Naapbooks Limited Receives Excellence in ERP Solutions Award at KCCI 6th Annual Foundation Day Celebration
Naapbooks Limited has been honored with the Excellence in ERP Solutions Award by the Knowledge Chamber of Commerce and Industry (KCCI) during its 6th Annual Foundation Day celebration. The prestigious event took place on July 18, 2024, in Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India.
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Press Release - Onboarding of Shri Raj Kapoor to Board of Advisor Naapbooks Limited
Exciting news from Naapbooks Limited! We are thrilled to welcome Mr. Raj Kapoor, the esteemed "Father of Blockchain" in India, to our Board of Advisors. His visionary leadership in blockchain technology, artificial intelligence, and fintech aligns perfectly with our commitment to responsible innovation and digital transformation.
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Insider's Guide to Visitor Management System
Revolutionize your office security with this game-changing visitor management system! Say goodbye to old-school registers and hello to cutting-edge digital solutions. From touchless check-ins to advanced analytics, discover how you can transform your workspace security today!
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Strategic MoU with Government of Gujarat to Digitalise Notarisation
A digital notarization system in India that leverages artificial intelligence (AI) and blockchain technology. This system aims to revolutionize the traditional notarization process by providing a secure, efficient, and transparent solution for document authentication and verification.
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All you want to know about UPI PayNow Integration
In a world dominated by digital payments, the integration of India’s UPI with Singapore’s PayNow is a major milestone in cross-border payments. Currently, transactions between the two nations amounts to over USD 1 billion each year. The two payment systems, while differing in their core structures and functional models, partake numerous similarities
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Create Your Own Cryptocurrency: A Step-by-Step Guide
Bitcoin, Ethereum, Ripple, Dogecoin sounds similar right? You are thinking right, these are trending cryptocurrencies. In Fact, there are 1000 different coins and tokens in the market that are based on cryptocurrency. As per Wikipedia, the number as on 12 July 2021, 1,384 cryptocurrencies are in use worldwide.
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Top Web Development Frameworks
A web framework (WF) or web application framework (WAF) is a software framework aimed at supporting the development of web applications such as web services, web resources, and web APIs. Web frameworks provide a standard way to build web applications and deploy them on the World Wide Web.
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Top 6 Machine Learning Tools
Modern machine learning (ML) is very different from machine learning in the past. New computer technology has changed the way it works (not the structure that is based on it, that is, learning from pattern recognition). Although many ML algorithms have been around for a long time, the ability to perform complex mathematical calculations on big data and to bring faster and more accurate results to recent developments.
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Introduction and meaning of visitor management system
Visitor Management is important to ensure the building's safety and the security of data. The natural and traditional process of collecting and storing the data of the visitor relies on manual work and in that there are high possibilities of human error and data manipulation.
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How Cloud Computing is changing the Business World
Do you remember the world before cloud computing? There was no efficiency and mobility because the data was stored using traditional bookkeeping methods where people had to be at that location if they wanted to read books. The data was the most vulnerable thing at that time. It was necessary to secure the data and store it digitally.
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How to Create (Develop) your own Cryptocurrency?
Cryptocurrency is one of the most popular usage of block chain technology. This distributed technology works on the algorithm of creating new blocks connected with the existing ones through Hashing. The members in the P2P network have to accept the block by participating as miners. Moreover, there are many consensus like proof-of-work, proof-of-stake, delegated proof-of-stake, and proof-of-authority.
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How a visitor management System can be useful for Salons
Thousands of businesses in the beauty industry worldwide can grow their business. Above all, it save time and can help you reach millions of customers. <strong>VizMan</strong> includes salon appointment scheduling & booking software offering a diverse range of functions for businesses.
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Things you should know before Crypto App Development
Look at these numbers!! Aren’t they amazing? The first ten cryptocurrencies with the highest market cap make up about 88% of the total cryptocurrency market value.</em><em>(Source: Block Social)</em></p><p><em>There are about 900 new coins in the market every day as of 2021. </em><em>(Source: <a rel="ugc" href="https://www.buybitcoinworldwide.com/">Buy Bitcoin Worldwide</a>)</em>
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Tech-Celeration: The Rapid Adoption of Emerging Technologies
Let’s talk about the less familiar story about covid-19. The crisis is boosting innovation with emergence of brand new ideas with application of existing ones. Tech-Celeration is pushing companies further and faster into the future.
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VizMan (Visitor Management System)- Welcome to “The New Normal
Are you worried about the safety of your employees and workplace? Do you want to know everything about your visitors? Want to make the visitor’s experience flawless and hassle-free? Then what are you waiting for? Adopt one of the best Touchless<span> </span><strong><a href="https://vizman.app/">Visitor Management Systems “VizMan”.</a></strong>
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Visitor Management System for Ceramic Manufacturer
How can I help you? This is what you hear at most of the front desks. In most companies, you will find a security person who will sanitize you, check your belongings, and guide you to the concerned person. But before that, you see a Visitor Log Book, where you enter your details.
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Naapbooks Launches VizMan (Visitor Management) for Offices, Retail Shops and Factories
ven though the vaccination is getting started yet keeping safe ensuring social distancing is key to be guarded. Keeping in view of all these factors, Naapbooks has come up with its new product, VizMan - Visitor Management System.
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Press Release : It’s now Naapbooks Limited
Now the company will be known as Naapbooks Limited. Naapbooks Limited was incorporated on 20 April 2017 with an aim to bring Fintech Applications to cater the needs of Small & Medium Enterprises. It had received DIPP (Department for Industrial Policy and Promotion) Start-up Certificate on 27-06-2017 and later it got incubation at Centre for Advancing and Launching Enterprises (CrAdLE) on 03 August 2017.
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The complete guide to visitor management systems
Visitor Management System benefits companies to customize their user experience for all types of visitors not only by verifying, tracking, and storing all the details of the visitors. Hence, this ease the work of front desk operators and they can work without any interruptions.
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Streamline your B2B business orders with order management
Customers have now started spending more time online on e-commerce websites. Shopping carts and payment gateways have made it easy to sell products online. Today, business environment is more competitive and to streamline the business is at the top priority.
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The History of Computer Technology – Part 1
We are living in a world which breathes on technology. In the last 2 decades we are a living witness of how technology has reached from a specific sector’s work to our everyday life work. Today we will be sharing out information regarding one of the oldest and the base of modern technology: Computer Technology. The outright journey of computing would start from around 1623 BC, with many diverse device used for the purpose of computing.
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What are the graphic design trends for 2020?
Designing Trends change every year constantly, we see designers are always looking and trying to do something new each day which makes each layout different from another, and in our<span> </span><a href="https://proex.co.in/"><strong>ProEx </strong></a>it is termed as “WOW ELEMENT” in the layout or web. But as we say that there are some old roots of design which never fades away and without them a layout or website is incomplete
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How to manage personal finances during a national lockdown?
As our nation goes under lockdown for yet for 21 days. (if you see, the lockdown started since 15 th march 2020 for few parts across India) One thing is surely going across our mind, what about our finances till than? What about finances once the lockdown is over? Is there any assurance for the situation getting better post 15 th April?
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Visitor Management: We know who’s important for you
Imagine strolling at a snail’s pace for hours at a traffic signal even though you had to take the first left, fuming sweat at 45 degrees temperature finally reaching the consultancy where you’ve been scheduling a meet for weeks. The day has arrived after all kinds of calls and texts and emails and lobbying. You can’t really do away with them because they’re the best in business and do really take care of work nicely.
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Why savings matter and how retirement won’t shatter
First and foremost, let’s admit it outrightly, you ain’t capable of saving after spending for an entire month. The temptations are just too hungry to be silenced. So get those few thousands round and out the second your salary gets credited
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What are the Terminologies used for Blockchain Identity Management Schemes?
Specialized terminology is used for blockchain-based identity management schemes. Unfortunately, the terminology is not always consistent among the various projects and standards. Further complicating matters is that some domain-specific terms are related to identity management in general while others are specific to blockchain identity management.
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How can blockchain address De-Risking?
How can blockchain help? Blockchain technology can help with de-risking by reducing regulatory compliance costs while increasing the transparency of transactions. In particular, blockchain has the potential to reduce compliance costs associated with “Know Your Customer” requirements
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FinTech companies: From Digital wallets to Digital lenders
The FinTech industry has been growing in terms of innovations for the last several years. Fintech has a huge impact on traditional financial services as well as the Banking sector. With the rapid growth and innovations in the FinTech industry, the digital/mobile wallet feature has been introduced.
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Fintech Technology for Lending business
Almost everyone is aware of the Fintech term presently. If you are not aware of it, do not worry. I will quickly take you through that. It’s “Financial Technology”. Fintech is a new way of providing financial services through technology. It completely enhances the traditional <a href="https://proex.co.in/services/finance-services/">financial services.</a> Fintech is a growing industry nowadays.</p><p><!-- /wp:html --></p><p><!-- wp:html -->
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What Is Fintech? Fintech uses and regulations
Fintech, short for financial technology, refers to the use of technology to provide financial services. It encompasses a wide range of innovations and applications that make financial activities more efficient, convenient, and accessible. In essence, fintech combines technology and finance to improve and streamline various financial processes and services.
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How FinTech has impacted Insurance Industry
The term “FinTech” has been a boom presently and you probably have heard this term. It’s Financial Technology. Fintech innovations are reshaping the financial services. There is one branch of Fintech called “InsureTech” which refers to the variety of emerging technologies and innovative business models that have the potential to transform the insurance business.
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Why it’s best for small business to have a cloud-based accounting software?
Cloud accounting software is similar to traditional, on-premises, or self-install accounting software, only the accounting software is hosted on remote servers, similar to the SaaS (Software as a Service) business model. Data is sent into “the cloud,” where it is processed and returned to the user.
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Point of Sale (POS) service providers in Fintech
Now, the finance sector has been undoubtedly affected by FinTech. This term “FinTech” means “Financial Technology”. The traditional financial services have been completely improved by Fintech with the use of advanced technology. Fintech offers faster and more efficient financial services than traditional financial services.
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Should Indian Fintech startups go International?
Nowadays, Fintech has become an arising trend in the financial sector. There has been marvellous technological advancement in the fields of finance, trade, and business. Fintech allows companies to merge finance and technology to improve traditional financial services.
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Financial Technology: a challenge or opportunity for Indian banks?
Fintech is a booming now. In the finance sector, this term has gained significant momentum and the industry is booming nowadays. There have been new innovations with the Fintech, for example, the new technologies like Artificial Intelligence, Block chain, Quantum Computing, Robotics, Cloud Computing, etc.
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Block chain Technology and how Governments can benefit from them
Blockchain has been the buzzword in the information technology world over the last couple of years generating curiosity in developers and consumers alike. This novel technology is actually just a modern approach to digitally keeping and updating records. However, the intrinsic nature of Block chain can change the mechanism of trust in transactions and services in the digital age.
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Cloud Service challenges and its solutions
The dusk of demonetization brought an unexpected surge among the masses using, trusting and praising the easy to use, compatible and quick digital payments apps. The advent of cheap data (courtesy of Reliance Jio a year before) assured that mobile internet users neither have to lighten a heavy pocket nor have to sink a heavy heart.
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Internet of things (IOT) is improving Transportation and Logistics
Internet of Things has rapidly become a very important component of the interconnected network and is playing a major role in transportation and logistics. Generally, the Internet of things (IoT) is associated with smart devices and smart electronics, etc, but its scope reaches far beyond that.
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